The SNAP scale for ADHD is a widely used clinical measure used to determine symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity, and oppositional defiance. This non-diagnostic questionnaire takes only 5 minutes to complete and offers instant results. Take it now for free:


Student likely doesn’t have issues with inattention

Mild symptoms of inattention observed

Moderate symptoms of inattention observed

Severe symptoms of inattention observed

Hyperactivity and Impulsivity:

Student displays no issues with hyperactivity and impulsivity

Mild symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity observed

Moderate symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity observed

Severe symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity observed

Oppositional / Defiance:

Student doesn’t display oppositional or defiant behavior

Mild symptoms of oppositional defiant behavior observed

Moderate symptoms of oppositional defiant behavior observed

Severe symptoms of oppositional defiant behavior observed

ULURU’s official summary report provides a much deeper understanding of the significance of each response in the SNAP and the other screening tools. Particular attention is paid to how each response may or may not affect a students’ academic performance and classroom behavior, along with suggestions for addressing them with your child and your school.